Garden Delight Juice

Garden Delight Juice

Linda’s Favorite Raw Juice Reading Garden Delight Juice 1 minute Next Creamy Pate

Explore the simplicity and deliciousness of easy raw food recipes, making healthy eating a breeze for everyone. Get started today with this refreshing pick-me-up, perfect for any time of the day!


1 stalk of celery
4 or 5 medium carrots
1 handful of spinach
1 handful of leaf lettuce (not iceberg)
3 or 4 sprigs of parsley


  1. Wash and cut celery into 2-inch pieces.
  2. Wash carrots, spinach, leaf lettuce and parsley. 
  3. Run the celery, spinach, leaf lettuce and parsley through the juicing machine and add enough carrots to equal 8 ounces.

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Creamy Pate

Creamy Pate

Creamy Pate

Creamy & Delicious

Linda’s Favorite Raw Juice

Linda’s Favorite Raw Juice

Linda’s Favorite Raw Juice

Sent in by Linda S., this is one of her favorit...

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