Crimson Delight Juice

Crimson Delight Juice

Give your holiday guests the best gift of the season: health! Bursting with holiday color, this beet-based juice is loaded with nutrition and is the perfect beverage to start an evening of food, fun, and festivities.


3 to 4 carrots (or more to make 6 oz juice), peeled, tips removed
1 celery rib (stalk), cut into 2-inch pieces
1 beet with greens, washed and dried (peeled if not organic)
7 to 8 dark, leafy greens leaves,washed and dried
1 tart apple quartered (peeled if not organic)


1. Prepare ingredients. Run ingredients alternately through juicer.
2. Strain juice and serve immediately or fill 8 oz jelly jars to the
3. Brim, put on lid, refrigerate and serve later.

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