Carolyn’s Lemon Tahini Salad Dressing

Carolyn’s Lemon Tahini Salad Dressing

Aunt Elisa’s Favorite Salad Dressing Reading Carolyn’s Lemon Tahini Salad Dressing 1 minute Next Colonial Bread
In last week's Health Tip #500, in this column, we shared Carolyn's Dehydrated Vegetable Salad. Several of our readers requested the dressing recipe for this salad that fits their raw fruit and veggie diet plan, so we wrote Carolyn and asked her for the recipe. Carolyn's response follows:


"I usually make it up by the half jar (using an old Tahini jar) pour in about 4 tablespoons of raw Tahini, add an equal amount of Bragg's Liquid Aminos, and stir until of an even consistency. Down here [on the island of Jamaica] I use key limes, because we don't have lemons, but either the juice of about 4 key limes or you could use the juice of one very large lemon squeezed into the mixture and then stirred until it is creamy. It is VERY simple. I never really measure anything, just taste it and see if it is salty or sour enough to enjoy."

Drizzle this raw delicious dressing over raw fruits and vegetables.



4 Tbsp raw tahini
Juice of 1 large lemon (or 4 key limes)
Unrefined sea salt to taste


1. Mix tahini and lemon (or limes) until creamy.
2. Add unrefined sea salt to taste.

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