What You Need to Know About Pesticides and Cancer

What You Need to Know About Pesticides and Cancer

There is a lot of discussion about organic vs. conventional food sources, and it can be difficult to determine the truth from the marketing messages alone. Does it really matter if you are buying organic foods, or is it ok to save money and buy cheaper conventional food products instead?

Pesticides are Linked with Cancer Development

Additional research needs to be done to prove the connection between pesticides and cancer development, but recent studies are showing that pesticides will likely increase your risk of cancer. The University of California, Berkley shared findings from a research study which showed a 600% increase in cancer risk for childhood leukemia when children are exposed to pesticides. Other studies have found that pesticides might also be linked with brain cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and more. Some researchers have made bold statements suggesting that the increased use of pesticides is directly connected with increases in certain cancer types in recent years.

Where to Avoid Pesticides

There are many sources of pesticide exposure in our modern world, and you need to be cautious about the foods that you eat as well as the household products that you use. For example, pesticides used in and around the house to prevent spiders and bugs can be dangerous for your health, and there are also a number of pesticides used to produce the fruits and vegetables that we eat. It isn’t practical for many people to eat organic all the time, but you might consider buying organic produce if you can afford it. If you are planning to buy organic, then the best option is to choose foods that are not on the “dirty dozen” list. Farmers and gardeners must deal with plant diseases, and it can be difficult to fend off disease-causing organisms such as fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses. Many farmers use pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides to protect the crop and produce food that can be sold, and we are eating those harmful chemicals when we consume many types of food at the grocery store. Modern technology has even taken these pest-controlling methods to a new level, and companies are creating genetically modified seeds which repel pests. These GMO foods have the pesticides injected into them, so that the plants don’t need to be sprayed with pesticides. Another method is to make the plant resistant to pesticides, so that the field can be sprayed with pesticides that kill the weeds and not the produce.

Decreasing Pesticide Exposure

Do you want to protect your health and the health of your family? Eat organic as much as possible and avoid pesticide-containing products in your home such as bug spray and lawn treatments. Instead of using these harmful products, look for natural remedies that can be used to repel pests and maintain your garden. You can find more information about other common products that might be increasing your risk of cancer: read Unravel the Mystery, by Ann Malkmus, for more information.

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