Running A Marathon On The Hallelujah Diet

Running A Marathon On The Hallelujah Diet

Some think that a plant-based diet leaves you weak and malnourished - tell that to Heidi, a personal trainer and marathon runner on The Hallelujah Diet!
Thank you for the constant flow of letters you folks send me, and thank you for your prayers. Most of all, thank you for the testimonies that accompany these letters telling of the improved health being experienced by those who apply the teachings of Hallelujah Acres! These are the most thrilling of all, and provide me with the motivation to press on.
Dr. Malkmus, I just want you to know how much I love and respect you and your ministry. God brought The Hallelujah Diet into my life 9 years ago, and though I have not always followed it perfectly, I never stray very far from it because I know what it has done for my life. I am 38 years old and am a personal trainer and group fitness instructor. I am also passionate about running and have signed up to run the Chicago Marathon this fall. Presently I consume BarleyMax, Carrot Juice Max, Probiotics, flax seed, vitamin D, and B12 daily, along with an abundance of fresh vegetable juices. Thank-you and God bless you! Heidi
Rev. Malkmus, I am worried about the ever increasing overuse of prescription drugs. A wonderful, father, and friend of mine just committed suicide after being prescribed Lexapro and Ambien for depression and anxiety. This is the third person I know personally who has committed suicide while on these drugs. My 26-year-old son has struggled for many years with ADD and depression and wants to take some of these drugs. I have always encouraged a healthy diet with lots of exercise. Hope your teaching can help him. God bless you and thank you for your ministry. Debbie
Since adopting the Hallelujah Diet I have recovered from fibromyalgia, GERD, painful, stiff and swollen joints, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome. I have been studying and following The Hallelujah Diet for the past 10 years and know personally and experientially that it works. I wish to become a Hallelujah Acres trained Health Minister so that when I am telling others about this wonderful lifestyle I’m not just doing it as a Hallelujah Acres fan, but as a true member of a great group of people who desires to not only see the world saved by the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but physically healed and experiencing superior healthy by being obedient to the teachings of the Bible as well. Carla B., Charlotte, North Carolina
I started on The Hallelujah Diet about a month ago and have not seen any changes in my health as yet except for the loss of 17 pounds. I know that it will take me a much longer time to see great results because my health is so, so, bad. My question is ‘How do I get the right amount of protein to meet my daily needs without eating any meat or consuming any dairy?' Thank you Dr. Malkmus for The Hallelujah Diet! I am hopeful for a healthier future and can’t wait to send you a testimony of total healing.” Lesa B.
EDITOR RESPONDS – Lesa, Unfortunately we have been misled by the meat and dairy industry as to how much protein we really need to support optimal health. Our green foods such as spinach, broccoli, collards, kale, etc., contain an abundance of protein, with about 40% of the calories coming in the form of protein. Beans, legumes, and whole grains are other excellent sources of protein. With a well balanced 100% plant-based diet that supplies adequate calories, it is almost impossible to not obtain enough protein.

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