Sugarless Dairy-Free Ice Cream

Sugarless Dairy-Free Ice Cream

Now you can enjoy a healthy alternative to ice cream while leaving out the refined sugar and fat!

With the weather heating up, many start to crave ice cream. In fact, before adopting the Hallelujah Diet in 1976, it was not unusual for me to eat an entire half-gallon of gourmet ice cream, all by myself, on a hot summer evening. After adopting the Hallelujah Diet and eliminating all unhealthy dairy and sugar from my diet, I learned that I could make a delicious ice cream without using any unhealthy ingredients. This recipe shows you how to make healthy ice cream in a Champion or Green Star juicer — next week we'll share the recipe to make it in a blender or food processor.

Fruity Delicious Ice Cream Recipe

Send Us Your Recipes If you have a favorite recipe send it our way! We will share the best of them in future Health Tips and on our website. They can be raw or cooked, but they must be vegan (no animal products), and contain no refined sugar, refined grains, or table salt.

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