Try these tasty pudding treats today.

Delicious Pudding Recipes

Try these tasty pudding treats today.

Those who are unsure about following primarily raw, plant-based eating habits may be intimidated by unrealistic expectations that are associated with the word "diet." However, the Hallelujah Diet should be considered more of a lifestyle, not just a fad of an eating regimen. To make this easier to understand, we've created an entire database of plant-based recipes, including meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as juice, smoothie and snack ideas.

Many people are unaware of all of the delicious treats you can eat while following the Hallelujah Diet - goodies made up of raw, natural ingredients that still taste great without the guilt. The following pudding recipes, for example, use the natural sustenance in which God created for us, and they don't cut back on taste. In fact, you'll love how appetizing these choices are! There's no reason you can't stay faithful to plant-based eating habits with these tasty options.

If you're looking for a snack to send to school with your children or one to make for yourself as a well-deserved dessert, consider the following pudding recipes:

1. Avocado Lemon Pudding
With the natural fat-burning elements of avocado paired with sweet banana and lemon, you'll love this recipe.


1/2 avocado - skin and seed remove
1/3 banana - peel removed
1 teaspoon virgin coconut oil
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice


Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mash together with a fork. Once you've reached your desired pudding consistency, transfer mixture to the fridge to set and cool. Enjoy!

AvocadoAvocado creates the perfect consistency for healthy pudding.

2. Yummy Carob Pudding
While this recipe is found in a holiday cookbook, it can certainly be enjoyed year-round by all.


1 1/2 cups Medjool dates - pitted and soaked for one hour in organic apple juice
2 medium ripe avocados - peeled and pitted
1/2 cup carob powder


To ensure a thick and smooth consistency, place all ingredients in a blender, mixing until smooth and creamy. Transfer mixture to a small container and place in the fridge to set and cool. Enjoy!

3. Key Lime Pudding
Much like the refreshing and tasty traditional pie, this three-ingredient key lime pudding will satisfy those dessert cravings without the added guilt!


1 Haas Avocado
1 Ripe banana
Juice of half a lemon and half a lime


Simply mash all ingredients together in a small bowl and place in the refrigerator to cool and set.

A quick tip: If you leave out the lime or lemon juice, you can use the avocado and banana mixture as homemade baby food! Keep this in mind with all of the pudding recipes.

4. Advanced Key Lime Pudding
If you want to try a more advanced version of the key lime pudding, this recipe steps it up a notch.

3 medium avocados - peeled and pitted
1 ripe banana
3/4 cup fresh or frozen mango pieces
1 cup fresh lime juice - this takes about five limes
1 teaspoon lime zest
1/2 cup raw unfiltered honey or agave nectar
1/4 cup organic coconut oil
1/4 of fresh vanilla bean or 1 and 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla
1/2 teaspoon Celtic or Himalayan Salt


Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and process until smooth and creamy. Place in the refrigerator to set. Enjoy!

Lime and lemonUse lime juice and zest for this delicious treat.

5. Sherrie's Raw Chocolate Pudding
Leaving your unhealthy eating habits behind can be difficult if you love chocolate. However, there are dozens of recipes that use raw carob powder and it makes the perfect substitute for the sweet stuff. Consider this recipe!


3 or 4 ripe bananas - peeled
1 avocado - skin and pit removed
1 to 2 tablespoons carob powder


Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until the combination reaches a smooth and creamy consistency. Eat immediately, or place in the refrigerator to set.

To make a firm, mousse texture, place in the refrigerator to set for a couple of hours. Enjoy!

A quick tip: By adding a little water or apple juice to thin out the pudding, you can create a delicious chocolate sauce to eat with fruit, whole grain pancakes and other tasty treats.

Making Your Healthy Living Transition
Following a diet can be intimidating and difficult, but the Hallelujah Diet shouldn't just be considered a change in your eating habits - it's a lifestyle adjustment. By creating fun and delicious recipes like the ones above, you can make an easy transition to healthier living and revive your body to its best state, just as God intended for you.

Don't let your health go to waste any longer. For more tasty plant-based recipes you can eat while following the Hallelujah Diet, browse through our large database today!

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