Daily Walk Adds Years To Your Life

Daily Walk Adds Years To Your Life

Below is a potion of an interesting article on the importance of walking:
“Going for a short walk every day could add years to your life. Lack of exercise is responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity ... Couch potatoes face greater danger from deadly cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and stroke as well as some cancers. “However, a 20-minute walk at a vigorous pace, or a cycle ride at the same duration would move an individual from being classed as inactive to moderately inactive. That small change alone would reduce their risk of early death by between 16 and 39 percent, the Cambridge University researchers found ... “Even a small increase in physical activity each day like walking up escalators or using the stairs instead of the lift could provide significant health benefits. Exercise for 20 minutes is recommended as a minimum and, where at all possible, more extended exercise should be carried out to achieve even greater benefits, the study says. “Professor Ulf Ekelund, head of the research team, said: This is a simple message - just a small amount of physical activity each day could have substantial health benefits. Physical activity should be an important part of our daily life ... “To measure the link between physical inactivity and premature death, researchers looked at data from 334,161 men and women across Europe, with just under a quarter of participants categorized as inactive. Over a 12-year period it was found that the greatest reduction in risk of premature death came when people moved from inactive and moderately inactive group into activity. “June Davison of the British Heart Foundation said: “The results of this study are a clear reminder that being regularly physically active can reduce the risk of dying from coronary heart disease.” “The findings back up those from another recent study in which researchers at Cardiff University School of Medicine concluded that regular exercise, sensible eating, maintaining a healthy weight, minimal alcohol consumption and no smoking were the simple steps that guarantee longevity.”
Read the entire article.

Editor's Comment

These reports summarize what Hallelujah Acres has been teaching for over 23 years and are as up to date as tomorrow’s newspaper. And if a person wants to live a long and healthy life, a plant-based diet along with daily and vigorous exercise are the two main ingredients. Rhonda and I, in addition to eating a plant based diet, power walk 4 miles on most days, in addition to doing stretching and resistance exercises. I am 81 years old and Rhonda will be 70 years old in July of this year. And we behave like two kids though the mirror reminds us we are in our senior years.

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