This week's recipe comes from Joan Billheimer in Ohio. Looking for something sweet for vegan date night, a holiday gathering, or to simply satisfy your sweet tooth? Joan's Raw Super Holiday Fudge has got you covered. Made with nutritious ingredients like seeds, almond butter and raw carob, this vegan gourmet fudge will fulfill your cravings without the guilt.
1/2 cup Raw Sunflower Seeds
1/2 cup Raw Sesame Seeds
1/2 cup Dates (chopped finely)
1/2 cup Coconut
Mix together above ingredients and set aside.
3/4 cup Raw Honey
1 cup Raw Almond Butter
1 cup Raw Carob
Slightly warm honey and almond butter in saucepan until soft enough to stir in Carob. Add seeds, dates, and coconut. Pour in a pan to cool, and cut into squares.