In March 1993 I changed from my regular diet of cooked food, meat, pizza, sub, etc. to a diet of juice from carrots and other raw vegetables with a teaspoon of dehydrated barley juice powder before each meal, plus a large raw salad for lunch and dinner and a little cooked food for dinner. I eat some fruit, mostly apples, bananas, and oranges between meals.
The following is a list of the habits and the improvements which resulted:
1. Every time I brushed my teeth, my gums bled, this cleared up after one week.
2. Grains of sand in my eyes every morning, cleared up after one week.
3. A muscle problem in my right eye cleared up entirely after several months.
4. Severe hemorrhoids has cleared almost entirely up, and is still improving.
5. Since going on the Hallelujah Diet, I have not had any indigestion except when I have violated the diet by eating something I shouldn't.
After eating lunch, I would get very sleepy, this too has stopped. I would fall asleep every time I read for over 10 minutes. I now can read for hours without any drowsiness. My frequent headaches have disappeared. I am more alert, can think clearer and have a lot more stamina. I had all the symptoms of prostate trouble, this too has greatly improved. Frequent pains would occur in my legs, so excruciating that I could hardly stand on them. They have not occurred since the second week, except when I got seriously off the diet.
I had gotten heavier than I should have been, but lost 30 pounds in the first six weeks after going on the Hallelujah Diet. I had a small skin cancer on the bridge of my nose which has disappeared. I guess everyone carries around some minor diet related problem they don't consider serious enough to see a doctor for, but cause discomfort. It is interesting to see how a change in eating habits has changed so much.