I attended Health Ministers training in March 2000. I was so impressed with the training seminar I decided to not only go full bore into the Health Ministry, but also to get real serious about the Hallelujah Diet.
In just two weeks of being strict on the Hallelujah Diet, I have reduced my insulin to only one shot a day and have had days I didn't need any insulin at all. I am the guy that testified to losing 76 pounds in nine months on the Hallelujah Diet while I was at Health Ministry training. Well, I had my first seminar on April 3. Had six people show up and we had a wonderful time. One of the men who attended weighs in excess of 800 pounds.
Brother George, I know the harvest is ripe and I thank God for the opportunity of sharing His wonderful plan for the body. This is the best tool I have run into for sharing God's love and mercy. Thanks so much for the training.