Extra Thick Walnut Milk | Plant-Based Milk Recipe

Extra Thick Walnut Milk

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Creamy nut milk, when cold, is a good substitute for cow milk ice cream. Instead of eating a bowl full of ice cream, drink a glass of refreshing creamy nut milk.


½ cup walnuts
2 cups water, or amount for desired thickness
2/3 cups coconut milk from a can (not the reduced fat version)
1/16 tsp. to 1/8 tsp. unrefined salt (or to taste)


1. Blend water and walnuts.
2. Strain blended mixture through a stainless-steel mesh strainer.
3. Add walnut/water mixture back to blender.
4. Add salt and coconut milk and blend.

The slight taste of the coconut provides a nice flavor. Store in glass jars in the refrigerator.

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