a:6:{i:0;s:75:"Add water and hazelnuts to your Vitamix, and blend on high for one minute. ";i:1;s:81:"Using your nut milk bag and pitcher, strain the liquid through the nut milk bag. ";i:2;s:67:"Be gentle when squeezing the liquid out, to avoid bursting the bag.";i:3;s:154:"When you have separated all of the liquid, pour the strained milk back into your Vitamix, along with the dates, carob, maple, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt.";i:4;s:134:"Blend on high for another minute. Pour liquid into a mixing bowl, and whisk in chia seeds. Stir well, making sure there are no clumps.";i:5;s:102:"Refrigerate for at least 3 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve with fresh raspberries or strawberries.";}