An Unbelievably Simple Healthy Snack

An Unbelievably Simple Healthy Snack

Green Smoothie Reading An Unbelievably Simple Healthy Snack 2 minutes Next Rhonda's Raw Carrot Soup
I received the following letter from Susan: "This is not really a new recipe, but a healthy already prepared, 100% raw, great tasting, nutritious, food bar. I attend a lot of functions where they serve cookies and unhealthy snacks, and because I am on The Hallelujah Diet, I am often left with nothing to eat. Then I learned about the Hallelujah Acres SURVIVAL BAR, and I would pull out one of these bars from my purse, enjoy a healthy snack, and on occasion even use that SURVIVAL BAR for a vegan healthy meal replacement. But I have found a new and neat way to improve the SURVIVAL BAR for such occasions." Try one of our easy plant based diet recipes: 

1 Hallelujah Acres Survival Bar

1 Teaspoon Carob


Before leaving home, I cut the bar into 32 bite size pieces, place them in a baggy, and sprinkle 1 teaspoon of carob on top. After shaking the bag to distribute the carob, I have one of the most delicious snack foods, in bite size pieces, ready to just pop into my mouth, that I have ever tasted." ENJOY!

(EDITOR'S NOTE: These SURVIVAL BARS are a Hallelujah Acres labeled product, made to our specifications of 100% RAW, ORGANIC, dehydrated fruits, seeds, and nuts, that even include in the ingredients BARLEYMAX, CARROT JUICE MAX, and BEET MAX. When Rhonda and I are on the road, and finding something decent to eat is not readily available, one of these SURVIVAL BARS becomes tasty and satisfying, healthy vegan lunches. Many mothers pack these bars in children's and husband's lunch boxes. For more information regarding these bars, call Hallelujah Acres (800) 915-9355, or read about them in our current Back to the Garden magazine.

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Rhonda's Raw Carrot Soup

Rhonda's Raw Carrot Soup

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