With all of the incredible benefits that come with juicing, it's a mystery why more sick and unhealthy Americans don't jump on the bandwagon and invest in a vegetable juice extractor!
Choosing to hop on the Hallelujah Diet shows that you're taking the right steps to prioritize your overall health and wellness. Juicing is an essential element of following the lifestyle, as its method of vegetable juice extraction offers one of the best ways to receive the vitamins, minerals and enzymes your body needs to thrive.
As Ann Malkmus highlights in her book "Unravel the Mystery," juicing also encourages you to consume more vegetables and promotes detoxification. With all of the incredible benefits that come with juicing, it's a mystery why more unhealthy Americans don't jump on the bandwagon and invest in a vegetable juice extractor!
Juicing is More Complex Than You Think
Juicing isn't as easy as it might seem, however. It takes a well-thought-out process to achieve the most nutritionally dense beverage. For example, many tend to confuse blending with juicing. In February 2017, Ann discussed how valuable juicing is, and highlighted how it differs from blending is in our webinar, "Juicing - The Secret to Ultimate Health." Though blending breaks up the fiber in vegetables and fruits, it still exists when it hits the glass. With a juicer, the whole foods are extracted and the fiber is discarded. This is the easiest way for our cells to absorb the nutrients instantly.
Juicing is a bit more complicated than you think.
Here are a few other tips Ann passed along in "Unravel the Mystery" to ensure you're getting the most out of your juice:
1. Drink Vegetables, Eat Fruit
It's easy to associate the word "juice" with "fruit," but fruit juices are high in concentrated sugars. We suggest sticking strictly to vegetable recipes for optimal nutrition.
2. Use Fresh Produce
Use the freshest produce you can get your hands on. Not only does this create better quality juice, but it also enables it to maintain its freshness for a longer period of time.
3. Drink Juice Within Three Days of Production
Meal prepping can save time and effort throughout the week, but be sure to only produce three days worth of juice at a time. Any longer in the refrigerator and bacteria will start to develop in the containers.
4. ...Or Freeze It!
If it makes more sense in your schedule to produce more juice at once, you can freeze it for up to two weeks to extend its shelf life. Just remember that 15 percent of the enzymes are eliminated during the freezing process, so it won't be as nutritionally rich as fresh juice.
5. Juice a Variety of Vegetables to Keep Things Interesting
Juicing the same vegetables every day will bore your taste buds. Variety is the spice of life! Remember this while you're creating your juice. We recommend using at least two different varieties of leafy greens and at least three different vegetables throughout the week. Refer to some of our favorite juice recipes for inspiration!
6. Give it a Little Oomph!
For an extra oomph of energy and immune system protection, add one of our BarleyMax Whole Juice powders to your juice.