The "Downside" of BarleyMax?

The "Downside" of BarleyMax?

Each week for the past 15 years, I have been sharing incredible testimonies from people who have improved their health through the use of BarleyMax and the Hallelujah Diet. You can read thousands of these testimonies here. But today, I would like to do something a little different. I would like to share an article someone sent me that had a very interesting title...

The Downside of BarleyMax

Am 85-year-old couple, having been married almost 60 years, had died in a car crash. They had been in good health the last 10 years mainly because the wife had insisted they follow the Hallelujah Diet. When they reached the pearly gates, St. Peter took them to their mansion which was decked out with a beautiful kitchen, huge master bath, Jacuzzi, and even servants. As they oowed and awed, the old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost. “It’s free”, Peter replied, “This is Heaven.” Next they went out back to survey the championship golf course that the home backed up to. They would have golfing privileges every day and each week the course changed to a new one representing the greatest golf courses on earth. The old man asked, “What are the green fees?” Peter’s reply, “This is Heaven, you play for free here.” Next they went to the clubhouse and saw the lavish buffet lunch with the cuisines of the world laid out. “How much to eat?” asked the old man. “Don’t you understand yet? This is heaven and it is all free!" replied Peter with some exasperation. “Well, where is the salad bar and carrot juice?” asked the old man timidly. Peter retorted, “That is the best part – you can eat as much as you like of whatever you like and you never get fat and you never get sick. This is heaven.” With that the old man went into a fit of temper, throwing down his hat and stomping on it, and shrieking wildly. Peter and the wife both tried to calm him down, asking him what was wrong. The old man looked at his wife and said, “This is all your fault. If it wasn’t for you and that Hallelujah Diet and BarleyMax, I could have been up here 10 years ago!
Have you had your BarleyMax today?

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