Rev. Malkmus Celebrates His 80th Birthday

Rev. Malkmus Celebrates His 80th Birthday

February 12th was a BIG day for me as I celebrated my 80th birthday! Actually, the celebration began the night before at the Hallelujah Potluck at my church (Turning Point at Calvary, St. Augustine, FL) as the 42 people in attendance sang Happy Birthday to me and partook of the healthy birthday cake Rhonda had brought to share. The highlight of the potluck was the testimony of an elderly man and his wife who had attended my Biblical Nutrition 101 Class at the church last spring. In April of 2013, this gentleman was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, had adopted the Hallelujah Diet, and there he was at the potluck. Shared with all during the testimony time was that at his most recent doctor visit, they could find no cancer! A great BIG Hallelujah! I couldn’t have had a finer birthday present then to know that I had been an inspiration in this man’s healing. Then the next day, Wednesday, February 12, the day of my birthday, after spending the morning working on the Health Tip, Rhonda and I visited with Bev and Graeme Coad who had us to their house for a delicious meal and birthday celebration. Almost 20 years ago, Graeme had been chaplain for the 700 Club with Pat Robertson for 12 years when he was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. He learned of the Hallelujah Diet, adopted it, and here I was at his house almost 20 years later, Graeme at age 77 and his wife Beverly, celebrating my 80th birthday with them. Another great BIG Hallelujah! That afternoon I met with the pastor of our church who wished me a Happy Birthday and shared how much better he felt since he has been taking BarleyMax and that his wife was expressing an interest in starting to take the BarleyMax also. An assistant pastor in the church is on the Hallelujah Diet for his melanoma cancer and doing well! That evening in mid-week service at the church there were many other birthday wishes. Then there were over 300 internet birthday wishes besides those which came in by postal mail. I was remarking to someone at church that I didn’t feel old at all. I feel like a teenager until I look in the mirror and I wonder who that old guy is looking back at me! Someone shared with me that you don’t think someone is old until they are 15 years older than you are at the time. Right now I am thinking old is 95. I’ll tell you if this is true when I get there. Thanks for all your prayers and birthday greetings! There will be one more 80th birthday celebration in my next seminar, coming up on March 1, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Come join in the celebration if you can!

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