Product Spotlight: CarrotJuiceMax

Product Spotlight: CarrotJuiceMax

This month’s Product Spotlight is on CarrotJuiceMax, simply because of its incredible nutrient value. In keeping with our goal to offer nutrient-packed organic fruits and vegetables, Hallelujah Diet’s CarrotJuiceMax does not disappoint. From the quality of organic carrots used to the manufacturing process we use, our carrot juice not only tastes good but contains the original, “living” nutrients contained in the carrot. If you’re looking to include as many superfoods in your diet as possible, be sure to make room for CarrotJuiceMax ! Read on to see why.

Carrot Juice – A Superfood All Its Own

Optimal health becomes possible when the body receives the nutrients it needs to maintain its systems and protect itself against sickness and disease. Carrots are one of those superfoods capable of meeting a good majority of the body’s nutritional needs. Carrots contain a powerhouse of nutrients that not only fortify the body’s systems but also support the body’s self-healing abilities. This is one of many God-given foods that covers all the bases! Here are just a few of the nutrients found in carrots:
  • Vitamins C, D, E, K, B1, B6, and biotin or vitamin B7
  • Carotene, the plant-based form of vitamin A
  • High levels of enzymes, the “living” materials in food
  • High levels of antioxidants
  • A host of minerals, including phosphorous, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, along with trace minerals
  • A full spectrum of phytonutrients, which are disease-fighting agents

What Makes CarrotJuiceMax So Special?

Where the Carrots Are Grown

Organic fruits and vegetables are the heart and soul of Hallelujah Acres. In turn, we place a high priority on ensuring the soil any food comes from offers the best possible growing environment. Organic foods, in general, are held to certain standards of quality, meaning no hormones, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, or pesticides are used during the growth process. Hallelujah Diet’s CarrotJuiceMax provides the very best that organic carrot juice has to offer. We do this by making sure the carrots we use are grown in soil that contains large amounts of trace minerals. Trace minerals not only make for a more robust vegetable but also produce a sweeter carrot.

How the Juice Is Made

orange juice splashing around carrotsHow the juice powder is made makes all the difference in the world when it comes to a product’s nutritional value. Many other carrot juice products go through extensive processing involving pasteurization and drying at high temperatures, which degrades the vegetable’s heat-sensitive enzymes and overall nutritional value. Under these conditions, the end product is essentially “dead” food. Even carrot juice powders that are “freeze dried” are actually enzymatically inactive. Our manufacturing process works to retain the carrot’s nutrient content by using low temperatures during the drying process. In this way, there’s minimal degradation, so the final product contains its genuine flavor, color, aroma, and nutrient value. Where we get our carrots and how we make our juice accounts for the deliciously sweet flavor of CarrotJuiceMax.

Three Varieties to Choose From

We offer three varieties of our CarrotJuiceMax in case you want to add a little variety to your daily carrot juice routine. New Generation CarrotJuiceMax offers all the nutritional benefits that carrots hold. It’s a powdered juice drink that you can easily mix with water or your favorite juice. CarrotJuiceMax-Grapefruit/Ginger, our second powdered drink, offers all the nutritional benefits of New Generation with the added taste sensations of grapefruit and ginger. Still deliciously sweet, grapefruit and ginger add a burst of refreshing citrus. Even kids like it! Last, our New Generation CarrotJuiceMax Capsules work especially well if you’re not a big juice fan. These capsules contain pure carrot juice powder in a concentrated form with no artificial preservatives or fillers. Simply take four capsules 20 to 30 minutes before meals, and you’re good to go.

Boost Your Health and Your Energy Levels with CarrotJuiceMax!

senior couple doing yoga in parkThere’s a lot to be said about the health benefits that come from pure, organic carrots in juice form. Raw carrots deliver a wealth of nutritional benefits, but they still must be broken down in your digestive tract before these benefits can be reaped. Even in the healthiest digestive tract, only 35 percent of a carrot’s nutritional value will be absorbed in the body’s system. With a quality juice like CarrotJuiceMax, nutrient absorption jumps to 92 percent! The quality ingredients and careful manufacturing process that goes into CarrotJuiceMax ensure you’re receiving the very best that carrot juice has to offer. You can expect to experience a noticeable energy boost, as well as a range of health benefits, from lowered cholesterol levels to improved mood, focus, and concentration. Once you try CarrotJuiceMax, you’ll see why it’s the best carrot juice on the market!

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