When you get all caught up in medical news mumbo-jumbo, sometimes it's hard to know what's true or not.
But if you stop and think about it logically, the truth reveals itself.
That happened this week, thanks to NaturalNews.com, one of the news services we appreciate that shares our views about diet-related health.
Essentially, they reported that a substance called "Rspo1" was found to help cancer-induced mice survive otherwise-lethal doses of chemotherapy.
The beauty of it is that Rspo1 occurs naturally in the human gut — as long as your gut is healthy.
All kinds of things can lead to an unhealthy gut. Gluten can flatten the tiny nutritional receptors in your colon, causing nutrient deficiency and bacterial imbalance.
Worse yet, antibiotics wipe out all bacteria, giving the green light for new, bad bacteria to wreak havoc without good bacteria to balance the ratio.
But chemotherapy is the worst for gut health.
People often think of chemotherapy as a good thing because it is given to cancer patients as "medicine." Sure, it attacks the cancer cells, but it's indiscriminate. In other words, it may attack other cells, too — including those in your immune system (80% of which resides in your gut).
And because chemo can damage the immune system, it leaves a cancer patient open to infection. And how does modern medicine address infections?
Antibiotics, of course!
This leads to even more bacteria-destroying immune suppression that can make subsequent rounds of chemo deadly.
Unless, that is, you have a way to keep your gut producing that important "Rspo1" substance like the mice did in the chemo experiment...
... which means you need to maintain a healthy gut...
... which can be accomplished using probiotics!
Probiotics promote the growth of "friendly flora" or good bacteria. And since there's only so much room in your gut for bacteria, if you give good bacteria the upper hand, there's literally no room for bad bacteria to grow.
The result? You have a healthy gut that produces its own Rspo1, which is especially important to help chemo patients weather the toxicity of their treatments.
Do probiotics interfere with chemotherapy?
Only your doctor can tell you for sure.
But probiotics don't interfere with antibiotics. In fact, studies suggest they're quite helpful; while antibiotics destroy both good and bad bacteria in the gut, probiotics promote only good bacteria, the kind of bacteria that keeps your immune system healthy.
So, while the antibiotics are destroying the bad bacteria, taking probiotics at the same time will keep your immune system healthy so that you don't fall prey to another ailment while you're on the meds.
If you're considering chemotherapy, ask your doctor if you can take probiotics to keep your immune system as healthy as possible while you're undergoing treatment.
It may help to keep you healthy — and may even open your doctor's eyes to complementary medicine!
Would you do chemo? Why or why not? Scroll below the related articles to comment!