Hot flashes are one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, and body temperature changes are a common complaint among women experiencing hormonal changes. If you are experiencing hot flashes, then there are a few things that you can do to regulate your body and feel better in the moment. Additionally, you can take a proactive approach by making lifestyle changes that will balance your hormones so that you can prevent the hot flashes from occurring.
Immediate Remedies for Hot Flashes
When you are experiencing a hot flash, then there are several things that you can do to help your body cool down and balance out. Try some of these immediate remedies:- Use a Fan: Even though it might sound like an obvious solution, it can make a big difference to cool down by sitting in front of a fan. Keep a fan near your desk, in the living space at your home, or you can even carry a small hand-held fan in your purse. If you feel a hot flash that is starting, turn on the fan so that you can cool yourself before the hot flash gets out of hand.
- Get an Ice Pack: If you are at home when the hot flash starts, grab an ice pack from the freezer and hold it against the back of your neck. This method might help to dissipate the hot flash before it gets worse, so that you can avoid the heavy sweating that often coincides with hot flashes. Don’t have ice in the freezer? No problem, grab a bag of frozen vegetables instead!
- Deep Breathing: Using specific breathing exercises can help your brain to calm down, which in turn will help your body to cool. If you feel a hot flash starting, gently inhale for five seconds, and then exhale for five seconds to slow your heartrate and relax the body. Continue repeating these breathing exercises until you have cooled down.