Beautifully created by, and in the image and likeness of God, the human body is equipped with truly miraculous self-healing abilities. When nourished and fed by the plant-based fruits of the earth as He intended, the body is made to be healthy and live for many years. Consuming a diet rich in alkalinity, such as the Hallelujah Diet, helps your body to function at its best and protect you from disease and sickness. In fact, alkalinity could mean the difference between life and death.
The Importance of an Alkaline Diet
The key to a strong, functioning immune system is a balanced pH level. While many people understand the importance of a balanced pH, they are not aware that the Standard American Diet is bursting with acid. The results of an acid-producing diet such as the SAD, can offset this balance and cause chaos and harm within the body. Meat and eggs for example, have a content of sulfur-containing amino acids that are 2- to 5-fold higher than in legumes and grains, according to Nutrition Facts. These are then metabolized into sulfuric acid. The body's way of handling this sulfuric acid is to buffer it with calcium, which was once thought to come from the bones.
However, new research has revealed that the body neutralizes the acid with our muscles. As the human body ages, the blood becomes more acidic, which may also help to explain the loss of muscle mass with age. It's been found that the body's pH is so important that even your muscles will be broken down to preserve the pH balance in the blood. Thus, those eating a plant-based diet are at an advantage, according to the source. These individuals benefit greatly from an alkaline-producing diet - common of those eating plant-based foods, while meat-eating diets are most often acid-producing.
Immunity and Disease
For the millions of people barely surviving off the SAD diet, their bodies are not able to properly rid the system of acids. This build up of acids can lead to a deprivation of oxygen and then, cell fermentation which causes once-healthy cells to deteriorate. As our experts express time and time again, acid is the catalyst for many physical problems experienced by human beings. By eliminating the acid and thus, the cause of complication, illness and disease, the body begins to heal itself. As our experts explain:
"Disease has a hard time surviving in an alkaline environment."
"Disease proliferates in an acid environment and has a very difficult time surviving in an alkaline environment."
An alkaline diet is especially beneficial in defending against tumor metastasis. Tumors create an acidic micro-environment around themselves, through fermentative metabolism, that help them break down the extracellular matrix and metastasize. If left unchecked the cancer can keep on growing. But, as mentioned above, disease has a hard time surviving in an alkaline environment.
For those living with the disease, maintaining a strong immune system and creating an alkaline environment within your body can help to better defend against cancerous cells. During this time it is more essential than ever that the body's cells, tissues and organs are getting the proper nutrients to defend, as well as rebuild. In fact, year after year, people living with cancer adopt the Hallelujah Diet. By simply changing their diets, without opting for surgery, radiation or any other form of treatment, they have witnessed their cancer go into remission.
The Solution
Consuming living foods raises the body's alkalinity, according to "Unravel the Mystery," by Ann Malkmus. Adopting and consuming a Genesis 1:29 whole, natural and primarily raw diet is the most effective way to keep your alkaline levels in line to support your immune system.
As an alkaline diet, this biblical plant-based diet is filled with foods that leave an alkaline ash. Nearly all food sourced from plants enables this ash, which in turn has a positive alkalizing effect on the body. These include prunes, plums, blueberries, cranberries, some nuts, legumes and seeds. All greens, beets, carrots, avocados, almonds and flax oil are also alkalizing. One of the most alkalizing foods of all however, is barley grass and thus, Hallelujah Diet's BarleyMax powdered juices are excellent sources of alkaline.

One way to enhance the Hallelujah Recovery Diet - following the first three months of distilled water on the Recovery Diet - is to boost your distilled water with magnesium bicarbonate, as mentioned by Dr. Michael Donaldson, our Research Director, in a recent webinar. There are multiple benefits to doing this. One of them is that it adds alkalinity directly to your body right in your drinking water. With a balanced pH level, the body is best positioned to reach its self-healing capabilities and fight off sickness and disease.