Hormone Balancing for Breastfeeding

Hormone Balancing to Support Breastfeeding Goals

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Hormones are constantly changing throughout a woman’s life, and some women feel like they are constantly battling imbalanced hormones. Pregnancy and breastfeeding will change the hormone levels in your body, and it is important that you are proactive to maintain the right balance of hormones in order to support your baby. If you are planning to breastfeed or you are currently breastfeeding your baby, here are a few things that you should do to boost milk supply and balance hormones at the same time:

Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables not only help with hormone balancing, but they are also essential for your milk supply. When you eat a diet rich in fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables, you are improving your nutrition which supports the body’s efforts for hormone balancing and milk production. Busy moms often find it hard to prepare healthy food at every meal, but there are ways that you can boost your nutrition with simple food prep. For example, you might consider starting each morning with a protein power smoothie.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration leads to a number of health problems, and it can impact both hormone levels and milk production. Drinking plenty of water will ensure that you have a solid milk supply, but unfortunately many women are dehydrated and they don’t realize it. Drink 1/2 ounce of liquids per pound of body weight daily. These liquids may come from our vegetable juices, smoothies and raw foods. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, it is beneficial to have a bottle of water or fresh vegetable juice on hand while nursing because many women find that their thirst increases when the baby is eating.

Support Your Gut Health

By following a healthy diet and providing your body with the essential probiotics that are needed for good gut health, you can improve your overall health. A healthy gut flora is beneficial to boost your immune function, and these health benefits can be passed along to your baby. By improving your gut, it becomes much easier to balance your hormones and produce the milk that your baby needs.

Nurse When Your Baby Needs It

Did you know that breastfeeding helps with hormone balancing? Trust the natural instincts of your body and let your baby nurse when needed. If your child is going through a growth spurt, then you might mistakenly assume that you aren’t providing enough milk for the child. But, your body will adjust the hormones to boost milk production if you are nursing consistently. Instead of supplementing with formula, increase the frequency of breastfeeding and your body will accommodate.

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