Health Minister Training Exceeds Expectations

Health Minister Training Exceeds Expectations

Over 100 new Health Ministers are sharing The Hallelujah Diet across America and even in Nigeria! Check out the exciting details from our 68th Health Minister Training.
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Our Hallelujah Acres Health Minister Training program held its first training in August 1994 with 25 students present, in facilities located on a mountaintop in Eidson, Tennessee. In 1997 we moved our headquarters to Shelby, North Carolina where we have been conducting our Health Minister Training ever since. In the past 18 years we have trained over 10,000 Health Ministers who are currently ministering the Hallelujah Acres health message in every state in the United States as well as in 48 foreign countries. Most are ministering this health message in their various churches. But others are sharing the message in health food stores, restaurants, juice bars, Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Centers, by lecture, in writings, on radio and television, one on one, and even more ways. Those who come to Health Minister Training have already experienced The Hallelujah Diet's ability to rebuild the immune system so that their body can have the nutrients needed to literally rebuild and heal itself of most physical and psychological problems. The purpose of their training is to help others experience the same results — the desire to help others is a noble one! This past week, Hallelujah Acres conducted its 68th Health Minister training here in Shelby, North Carolina with 103 students in attendance. They were here not only from across America, but there was also a large contingency from Nigeria who want to take the Hallelujah Acres health message back to their people. We always begin Health Minister Training with each student walking across the platform sharing their name, where they are from, and what physical and psychological problems they have recovered from since adopting The Hallelujah Diet. Some of the testimonies told of almost miraculous healings! This set the stage for the information that followed during the next three days of training. Then when this group received their certificates on Friday afternoon, they each shared what they were going to do with the information they had received during Health Minister Training. Most told of how they wanted to share this information in their churches. A handful were from churches in the 100-member range, but the majority were from churches of 1,000 or more with one from a church of over 10,000. There were quite a number who had been sent by the church to learn the information so that they could come back and set up a Health Ministry within the church. We even had several pastors go through this particular training — they will join the over 800 pastors who have attended Health Minister Training to date.

Next Health Minister Training

Our next Health Minister Training will be held here at Hallelujah Acres in Shelby, North Carolina on July 11-13. Sign up now!

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Gardening Guide #17: Fall Carrots

Gardening Guide #17: Fall Carrots

Gardening Guide #17: Fall Carrots

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Gardening Guide #17: Fall Carrots

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