Gardner Webb Nutrition Class Invitation

Gardner Webb Nutrition Class Invitation

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Dear Rev. Malkmus, Happy New Year to you! My name is Amy and I currently teach Nutrition here at Gardner-Webb University. I have heard about Hallelujah Acres through the grapevine and was wondering if you would be willing to come and talk to my class about your story, the Hallelujah Diet, and anything else you would like to share. In my nutrition class I lecture from the textbook. I am looking for outside speakers to help further enhance the student’s knowledge and thoughts regarding nutrition. If you would be willing to come and speak to my class I would be beyond appreciative. Thank you and God bless you!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Arrangements have been made and confirmed that I will be speaking to Amy’s class on February 24th at 10:00 a.m. at Gardner Webb University in Boiling Springs, North Carolina. I would really appreciate your prayers as I share God’s Health plan with the students in this Christian University a university located only a few miles from Hallelujah Acres and the Villages of Hallelujah Acres.

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