Eyesight Restored!

Eyesight Restored!

It is always a thrill to be able to share some of the wonderful improvements people have experienced in their health as a result of doing something as simple as changing what they eat. Sadly, few people realize that what they eat today determines their health tomorrow.
“My name is Nwachukwu and I live in Nigeria. Before beginning the Hallelujah Diet I had an issue with my eyes whenever I was in the sun. I couldn’t see well in the sun and I had to constantly blink my eyes. So during the month of January 2013 I decided to go on the Hallelujah Diet. I took it as a point of duty to start juicing every day with a juice made from carrots, spinach and pumpkin leaves. And behold, by the end of May my sight had been restored and I could work under the hot sunshine without blinking and with eyesight restored. Praise God!” ~ Nwachukwu K., Nigeria
“Hi George, I love the lifestyle I have with the Hallelujah Diet, and everything it has done for me and my husband. My husband was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. He had been eating the healthy food I was preparing at home, but would still eat the SAD diet of animal and sugar foods when he was away. Nor was he juicing or drinking BarleyMax. However after being diagnosed with diabetes, he asked to begin doing what I was doing. He began drinking BarleyMax and fresh vegetable juices, as well as making healthier choices when away from home. After just a month and a half after going on the Hallelujah Diet he had a doctor’s appointment. His doctor was amazed at his test results, and he told my husband that he had never seen anyone’s numbers change so drastically in so short a period of time. He was given a clean bill of healthdiabetes gone. Also, as a result of the diet change he has lost quite a bit of his excess weight and feels so wonderful.” ~ Debbie S.
“Dear Rev. George, I am a worker of our Lord in a highly restricted and poor community in a third world country. Before learning of the Hallelujah Diet I had been very sick with rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, and stomach ulcers. Your website was referred to me by a friend. As a result of changing my diet to the Hallelujah Diet a lot of improvements have happened in my health. Because of the tremendous improvements I have experienced in my health I want to help others who are struggling with their health issues. I so want to attend your Health Minister Training Online.” ~ Tong
“Hi Pastor, our family is still forging ahead with 16 grandchildren. All of our kids and theirs are active in Bible believing churches. We stand amazed at what a wonderful God – and His continued provision. Thank you for leading us to Christ so many years ago, to the one whose birth we celebrate!” ~ Bob D., Spring Hill, TX

Rev. Malkmus Comment

The above note was written in a Christmas card that Rhonda and I received. It has been 43 years since I led Bob and his wife to the Lord in the church I then pastored in Glens Falls, New York. It is always so rewarding to know that some of folks we were instrumental in leading to the Lord so many years ago are still serving Jesus along with their children and grandchildren.

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