vegan food diet juices and produce

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Carrot, Beet and Spinach Juice

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There’s no doubt about it: Carrots, beets, and spinach are some of the most nutrient-rich foods on your grocery list, so why not blend them all up into one healthy, delicious juice? Our recipe for carrot, beet, and spinach juice is consistently one of our most popular and highly rated juice recipes for the simple fact that it mixes a trio of tasty, feel-good superfoods into one drinkable delight. The result is a super-juice that brings many health benefits and makes getting your vitamins and minerals easy. Bust out your juicer, gather the fresh veggies, and let’s get juicing!

Three Superfoods Come Together as One

The Recipe for Carrot, Beet and Spinach Juice:

  • ¾ pound of carrots
  • ½ of a medium beet
  • handful of spinach

Put all the produce through your juicer. It is best to use chilled produce. The recipe makes one glass of juice.

Here’s why we chose these three ingredients:

  • Carrots—Everyone’s favorite orange veggie, the carrot is jam-packed with beta-carotene, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. Carrot juice makes a thick, sweet base for your juice.
  • Beets—You simply can’t beat beets! These superfoods contain high traces of vitamin C, vitamin B6, phosphorous, folate, iron, potassium and magnesium. Beets are well known for their nitrites which leads to the production of nitric oxide to relax your arteries. Beets give your juices a deep, red tint and an earthy taste.
  • Spinach—Arguably the most versatile leafy green, spinach is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, and iron. Spinach juice is one of milder green juices, so it blends well with carrots and beets.

Nutrition Facts for Carrot, Beet and Spinach Juice

Here is what we found when we created this juice in a nutrition program.
Nutrition Facts for carrot, beet and spinach juice

Carrot, Beet, and Spinach Juice Benefits

1. Disease Fighting Power

One of the things we love about these three veggies is that they all contain antioxidants, the small wonders that neutralize free radicals in the body and prevent or fight cell damage that leads to cancer, heart disease, and other conditions. This is just one powerful antioxidant among many that helps supports your immune system.

2. A Big Immune Boost

The three vitamins that are indisputably linked with a stronger immune system are vitamins C, B6, and E. Not only can these vitamins and antioxidants help ward off sickness, but deficiencies can actually make you sick. A glass of homemade beet, spinach, and carrot juice contains 40 percent RDA of vitamin C and 25 percent RDA of vitamin B6, so drink it up when you’re feeling under the weather!

3. Reduced Blood Pressure

Beet juice is well know for its nitrite content.  Bacteria in saliva convert this to nitrate which is used in the endothelial cells to create nitric oxide, which relaxes your arteries. This gives you a reduction in blood pressure. Consistent use of beet juice will consistently reduce blood pressure.

4. Healthier Eyes and Skin

It’s not just a myth that carrots help improve your eyes. Beta-carotene, which is found in abundance in carrots, is a precursor of vitamin A, the vitamin that keeps our eyes and skin healthy. This vitamin is responsible for producing healthy mucus membranes and protective barriers to keep the eyes safe and guard against bacteria and viruses. Vitamin A is retinol—yes, the stuff they put into expensive skin creams!—and provides age-fighting benefits that keep skin youthful and healthy.

The lutein and zeaxanthin in spinach also contribute to macular pigments in your eyes. Macular degeneration is a leading cause of blindness and disability in older people, so drink your spinach!

5. More Energy

If you could drink a tall glass of healthy energy, wouldn’t you every day? In fact, carrot, beet, and spinach juice is one of the closest things to liquid energy there is. It has ample vitamin B6, which is a key component to converting the food we eat into energy.

The Undeniable Power of Juicing

This veggie-rich juice is just one example of how juice acts as a powerful, convenient diet enhancer. Hallelujah Diet relies on plenty of fresh fruits and veggies every day, so we’re huge fans of juicing. Starting out with a juice cleanse is a good way to kick-start your healthy diet and get on the fast track to better health! Plus, there’s a good chance you’ll fall in love with healthy fruits and veggies you never thought you liked when you start adding fresh, homemade juices to your diet.

1 comment

Karen Moody

Karen Moody

I have been juicing since 2007 and highly recommend it! To the carrots, spinach and beets, I often add ginger, a parsnip and celery. I never get colds or flu. Best investment I ever made! (I had a short 2 day bout with Covid and recovered fully by the 3rd day.)

I have been juicing since 2007 and highly recommend it! To the carrots, spinach and beets, I often add ginger, a parsnip and celery. I never get colds or flu. Best investment I ever made! (I had a short 2 day bout with Covid and recovered fully by the 3rd day.)

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