Since adopting the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle my pre-menstrual syndrome and the accompanying depression, cramps and heavy menstruating has reduced significantly. My acne is so much better as well as my over all skin tone. My stomach pain is non-existent except when I deviate from the diet.
My reason for coming to Health Minister training is because I want to be of service to Christ and share the diet God gave us in Genesis 1:29 with others. I have learned that we don't have to be sick, tired, depressed and barely making it. I have learned that what we eat can be a blessing to us and not a curse if we will but educate ourselves and then make the effort to adjust our diet and lifestyle.
We must re-learn how to eat properly and manage stress by exercising. We must also learn to praise the Lord for the multiple blessings He has bestowed upon us.