Dear Brother George, Hallelujah! What a Diet! Since I wrote to you last, which was back in April 2000, many wonderful things have happened to me and also my wife, Dorothy. At that time I had been on the Diet only a couple of weeks and had experienced many changes in my body
However, two months ago, in July, I attended Health Ministers training there in Shelby. At that time I felt I could eliminate the medications I was taking along with all the supplements--a total of 32 pills a day! It has been two months now since I eliminated these pills and I feel better than ever, and neither myself, nor my wife, need insulin any longer! Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!! My total weight loss is now at forty pounds and I am still losing weight. I have had to buy pants twice and it looks like another trip to the store is due. A total of seven inches has been lost so far.
George, I can't believe that just by changing one's diet so many wonderful things can happen. Dorothy is so thrilled! She can wear nice clothes again and put on perfectly lovely shoes. All her years as a nurse had her a little skeptical at first, but now she's running every day and looks great-- more like a 40-year-old than 70! Some other things I have noticed: my nails are growing in much healthier looking, and patches of hair are appearing on my legs. The scar from my triple bypass back in 1987 is almost gone (it used to be very apparent and was raised on my chest). I also have some feeling back in my feet after being diabetic for thirty years, although the toe they cut off due to my diabetic condition hasn't grown back yet. Well, I guess if it gets much better I will be in heaven, or maybe just in the kitchen at Hallelujah Acres. Ha! I can't wait to get there. See you soon. God's love--good health--and good eat'n!