Anonymous of Chattanooga, TN

One of these days hopefully someone will convince various television stations to have you on one of their programs to educate the public on healthier choices for eating. I will probably be gone from this earth before this happens, but it would be interesting to know about the life span of the seniors who purchase one of the homes at The Villages of Hallelujah Acres compared to various retirement centers where people eat the World's SAD diet.I thank God often for the grace he has granted me with the news of your 'eating God's way' information - Information that has literally saved and extended my life. My father and four brothers all died in their 40's, 50's and 60's of heart disease. Because of this 'family history' I also had heart disease and suffered a heart attack and a bleeder stroke, for which I spent 21 days in Intensive Care. But today, at the age of 71, because of The Hallelujah Diet, I am not only alive and well, but now have good readings of cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition to the many testimonies on your website of improved vision, I also, because of The Hallelujah Diet, now have excellent night time vision for driving. This has helped me immensely, because since my retirement in 1997, I have had a part-time job delivering new tankers and garbage trucks coast-to-coast and frequently drive at night. Thanks to you George, I now have 54 years on the road, have driven over 5 MILLION miles, and I am still driving. Thank you Brother George once again for your many years of trying to help those who are suffering needlessly from so many diseases and ailments. I am so glad that I listened to what you had to say.

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Diabetic Symptoms Improved on The Hallelujah Diet

Diabetic Symptoms Improved on The Hallelujah Diet

I was already a Type 1 juvenile diabetic when I...

Steven - Windsor, CT

Steven - Windsor, CT

I was born in 1954, the son of an ex-POW from W...

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