Wouldn’t it be disheartening to go the extra mile to make fresh juice, only to be making your problems worse? If your body is sensitive to sugar, or you battle glucose issues, excessive sweet produce high in carbohydrates is not your friend. That is why Hallelujah Diet advocates green juices (those made primarily with green produce lower in carbohydrates) for those with blood sugar issues. Depending on the person, a tiny amount of carrot or a green granny smith apple may be okay. At some point, as the body heals, adding in more of the sweeter produce, such as carrots, beets, and granny smith apples, may be fine. Overcoming the desire for excess sweetness is a powerful goal that can show your body you mean business.
About a 1/4 of a 5 oz. carton of leafy greens, your choice
1 cup cauliflower
1 lemon, peeling removed
2. Drink slowly and pat yourself on the back for not having to make a sweet drink.
Because Green Juices can be bold, you may want to drink 4 oz. at a time, and save the remainder in the refrigerator for later.
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Almost Chicken Salad Sandwiches
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