Recipes for Life...From God's Garden
Recipes for Life...From God's Garden by Rhonda Malkmus, helps you put into practice what you learn from God's Way to Ultimate Health. With more than 400 nutritious and delicious recipes, you will see that healthy food really does taste wonderful! It also has important chapters on how to feed children, young adults, and even babies. Includes daily menu suggestions, index lists, and a glossary of ingredients.All recipes are vegan and most are raw, in keeping with the 80% raw, 20% cooked ratio of the Hallelujah Diet.
Spiral bound, for ease of use!
Changing to a Raw Food Diet?
The Hallelujah Diet is 80% raw. Recipes for Life...From God's Garden provides information that will be useful as you make this transition toward greater health. Recipes for Life is much more than just a recipe book. The first 100 pages of this large 344 page book are dedicated to explaining the "how" and "why" of a plant based diet. Features:
- Why the Standard American Diet is so SAD
- The Hallelujah Diet Explained
- What to Feed Children
- Juicing
- Enzymes - The Key to Life
- Setting Up Your Hallelujah Kitchen
- Grocery Shopping Tips
- And More!
Recipes for Life
Dive into 14 chapters full of recipes, plus and addendum on menu suggestions:
- Fruit Salads
- Vegetable Salads
- Salads with Grains, etc.
- Delightful Dressings
- Vegetable Juices - The Builders
- Fruit Juices - The Cleansers
- Raw Soups
- Delicious Cooked Soups & Stews
- Live Food Delicacies
- Tempting Cooked Foods
- Tasty Breads, Snacks & Sandwiches
- Healthy Condiments, Sauces & Spreads
- Dehydrated Foods
- Special Occasion Treats
- Fourteen Days of Menu Suggestions
Special Note: Making Raw Foods with an Excalibur Dehydrator
Chapter 25 of Recipes for Life...From God,s Garden is titled "Delightful Dehydrates" and includes 9 pages of recipes for making dehydrated vegetable chips, crisps, fruit roll-ups, fruit leather, granola, and herb seasonings, a way to provide tasty treats that are still raw! We recommend and use the Excalibur Dehydrator because of its thermostat which allows you to keep the temperature below 105 degrees Fahrenheit, thus retaining vital enzymes and other nutrients.
Author: Rhonda Malkmus
Spiral-bound Paperback: 358 pages
Publisher:Hallelujah Diet® Publishing (July 7, 1998; 2006, Twelfth Printing)