Professional Strength Ginger Supplement
Ginger is an Indian spice that has been used in foods and medicinally for millenia. Traditionally it has been used for upset stomach, nausea and digestive discomfort. People have also found ginger to be useful for arthritic conditions, pain relief and immune system support.
Results have varied with different ginger preparations. Most people are unaware that the foremost studied group of ginger actives, gingerols, are chemical modified by the environment they are stored in. Sometimes this is evidenced in the taste and pungency of ginger, i.e. fresh (spicy) vs. cooked (sweet), and other times in the activation or inhibition of therapeutic effect, i.e. gingerols vs. paradols.
Not only can it be difficult to get enough of the active ingredients in ginger preparations, the ability to ‘feel’ the benefits of consistent, predictable ginger bioactives, when you need relief, can be hard to achieve. For instance, scientific studies of ginger have yielded promising, but inconsistent results in relieving digestive upset in the upper gastrointestinal tract; symptoms inclusive of:
- Stomach pain and/or burning (“stomach ache”)
- Post-prandial fullness/early satiety (getting full before eating a normal size meal)
- Upper abdominal bloating (bloating above the navel)
- Heartburn/indigestion
- Nausea
- Excessive belching (burping).
Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® is an all-natural, powerful extract of ginger with 12 times as much of the gingerols found in ginger powder supplements. Ginfort® takes the medicinal promises of ginger and makes them a reality.
Have YOU normalized digestive upset?
Eating and pain/discomfort should not be reflexive thoughts. Eating is our mechanism for sustenance, nourishment, and self-care. It should be associated with goodness and heartfelt feelings of well-being, NOT heartburn. This, however, is not the case for many.
Digestive upset, or Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder (FGID) as a general term, groups together several related symptoms, but is specifically limited to symptoms that do NOT derive from organ-related disease or damage. FGID affects close to 3 billion people, annually. These symptoms can be local to the upper digestive tract, including parts of the small intestines, stomach and esophagus, or alternatively, affect the lower part of the small intestines into the large intestines and anus.
Nearly two-thirds of the +3 billion that suffer with FGID, or 25% of the global population at large, suffer from the gastro-duodenal (stomach-upper small intestines) subset of FGID, also known as Functional Dyspepsia. The daily, accumulated impact of symptoms experienced with most if not every meal, can be life-altering. However, bearing, accommodating, or symptomatically treating these symptoms without getting to the underlying causes is an act of normalizing the abnormal.
The Better Way to Stomach Health
Gone are the days of masking and making do with stomach/upper GI upset. Patented to bring you the best of ginger, every time - with every dose, Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® takes the guess work out of your stomach health search.
Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® delivers 26% of gingeroids as total active ginger compounds, and 20% of digestion-specific gingerols per serving. Ginfort® is clinically studied to provide efficient relief, benefiting study participants in as few as 14 days.
In the 28-day double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial 50 subjects experiencing a collection of digestive upset symptoms, like postprandial fullness, upper abdominal bloating, stomach pain, nausea, early satiety and even heartburn - were given 200 mg of Ginfort® twice a day, or a placebo. After 14 days, most subjects in the Ginfort® group described their symptoms as 70% improved, and after 28 days there was almost an 80% improvement. Over 50% of the Ginfort® group rated themselves as free of the 3 primary symptoms at the end of the trial. Safety data collected showed no concerns for taking Ginfort®. Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® was proven to be both safe and effective for people suffering with upper-digestive upset.
Ginger helps ease menstrual symptoms
Another study that has been released in October 2023, which was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial showed women experienced significant relief from spasms, nausea, and other PMS symptoms. Professional Strength Ginger not only relieved menstrual cramping by 80% in the first month of continuous use, but it also eliminated nausea, improved fatigue, and eased associated low back pain, with compounded benefits from continued use into the second month. Check out the information HERE.
What Could Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® Do for You?
Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® is an all-natural solvent-free extract of ginger. It is safe and has worked for a lot of people already. Ginfort® gets to the root cause, fast. After just 2 weeks or even sooner you could experience significant relief. Part of how Ginfort® gets you the relief you deserve, is by helping with intestinal transit, or the sequenced, melodic contraction of the smooth muscle facilitates the movement of food down and excrement out. Most upper-digestive upset symptoms are caused by this being too slow.
Stress, infection, sedentary living, cigarette smoking, and many other contributing factors can uncouple the coordination of the nervous, immune, and digestive health systems that help you get the most out of the food you eat. Furthermore, as a spice, ginger is one of the most potent inducers of healthy enzyme, bile acid, and hormone (i.e. serotonin) secretion, helping your digestive tract to become stronger and more robust, with each dose.
Of course, it goes without saying that when Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® is combined with an excellent diet, like the Hallelujah Diet, you will likely experience even better results. Health isn’t found in a bottle or a refrigerator. Wholistic health comes from the intermingling effects of diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, toxin exposure/retention or elimination, relationships, structural body misalignments/subluxations, genetics, and trust in God. Sometimes we need all the help we can get. Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® might be the boost you need. Feel better. Live better. Buy Professional Strength Ginger with Ginfort® now.