Cancer Rebuilding Kit
BarleyMax Choice::BarleyMax Large (Original)
THE CANCER REBUILDING KIT is the follow-up kit to the Cancer Rescue Plan. The Cancer Rescue Plan supplies the foundational information for addressing toxicity and deficiencies as well as 30 days’ worth of supplementation to help nourish the body. The Unravel the Mystery book that comes in the Cancer Rescue Plan helps to identify toxins and encourages removing as many of them as possible to provide relief for the body. In addition, the book teaches the best foods to consume when trying to rescue the immune system through optimized nutrition for natural innate self-healing. Our cells are fueled by the foods we consume.
We can only start to appreciate how scary a cancer diagnosis is and realize that there is great pressure to pursue standard medical treatments including chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. While we could not possibly answer the question of which treatments to accept and reject, we know without a shadow of a doubt that we have all been given a self-healing body that is capable of performing miracles if exposure to toxins is removed and it is given proper nourishment.
Because of the healing power of the body, people have found incredible benefits from following a highly nutritious diet no matter what form of protocol they choose. We ask though that you prayerfully seek knowledge and wisdom before subjecting your body to traditional treatments. While these treatments have an impact on the unhealthy cells, they also have a negative impact on healthy ones making it more difficult for your immune system to heal.
Fighting cancer isn’t easy so you want to give your body every chance for healing. The supplements in the Cancer Rebuilding Kit have been carefully selected because of how they nourish the body. The supplements in themselves don’t heal but help the body to do the healing, by providing important nutrients that may be missing from the best of our foods.
The supplements in the Cancer Rebuilding Kit and Cancer Rescue Plan are very similar. The DIFFERENCE is as follows:
The First Kit, The Cancer Rescue Plan, contains the book, Unravel the Mystery, A Simple, Effective Approach to Beating Cancer and its corresponding recipe book Unravel the Mystery, Simple Nutritious Recipes to Beating Cancer, both by Ann Malkmus. Since the Cancer Rebuilding Kit is a follow-up kit to the Cancer Rescue Plan, the Rebuilding Kit does NOT provide these books. You may purchase these books separately if desired.
The Cancer Rescue Plan includes FiberCleanse. FiberCleanse is a balanced blend of 28 herbs in a psyllium and flax seed base that helps to release stored toxins and cleanse the colon. The herbs in FiberCleanse stimulate bowel movement and help address parasites. Because the bowels can become dependent on some of the herbs in this blend, it is advised to be used for short periods of only a month or two. Once the container is consumed, we suggest switching over to ground flax seeds which make a great fiber for the intestines. (Hallelujah Diet has a product called B-Flax-D which contains stabilized ground flax seeds along with B12, selenium, D3, and K2. This product is fine to use, but simply grinding organic flax seeds and taking them with water is a fine option since the Cancer Rebuilding Kit contains adequate amounts of B12, selenium, D3, and K2 in easy to take supplement form.)
The Cancer Rescue Plan contains enough digestive enzymes to take with all juices and meals. Digestive Enzymes are taken to assist in maximizing nutrient absorption from food. For the first 3 weeks of the recovery program, enzymes are consumed with every juice and meal to insure maximum absorption from the food consumed during the initial adoption of the diet while the body is at its weakest state. After the first 3 weeks, it is suggested to take 2 digestive enzymes with cooked meals to support digestive health as most of the naturally occurring enzymes are essentially destroyed when cooked. If someone wants to continue to take enzymes more aggressively, (with foods and well as snacks and juices) that is an option. We must all choose where to use our resources and purchase extra items where we feel best.
The Cancer Rescue Plan has enough supplementation to last at least 30 days, while the Cancer Rebuilding Kit has enough supplementation to last at least 60 days. There may be a small amount of a few of the supplements left at the end of the 60 days, depending on how much a person chooses to take each day.
Enclosed in the kit, you will find an hour by hour daily schedule of a way to obtain daily nutrition through diet and supplements. This schedule is simply AN EXAMPLE of how a person can deluge their body with nutrition consistently throughout the day. It is up to each individual to use this schedule as a guideline and adapt it to their personal lifestyle. If keeping the schedule isn’t possible for your situation it is more important to consume the diet and supplements, than it is to do it on a perfect schedule.
Here is a quick breakdown of the supplements included in the Cancer Rebuilding Kit:
BarleyMax® - 3 containers, 8.5 oz BARLEYMAX® is a high-quality living organic juice powder. BARLEYMAX® has long been one of the cornerstones of the Hallelujah Diet because of its ability to deliver life-changing results. It will help strengthen your immune system and provide the phytochemicals naturally found in the cereal grass family. Many people notice a boost in energy when they start using it. BARLEYMAX® is a living concentrated food made from young barley grass and mature alfalfa grass. It is harvested, juiced and dehydrated below 107 degrees to lock in nutritional potency, retain the living enzyme activity and protect heat sensitive nutrients. Because it is harvested before the grain develops, it is gluten-free. * Mix a little less than 1 tsp. with a few ounces of water, or take it dry and let it dissolve in the mouth.
Professional Strength Probiotics - 4 bottles, 30 tablets per bottle Probiotics play a critical role in the development, support, and function of the immune system (about 80 to 85% of the immune system resides in the gastrointestinal tract). A healthy intestinal tract is host to about 3 pounds of bacteria. About 85% of those should be ‘friendly’ flora. Unlike competing products Professional Strength Probiotics delivers bacteria all the way to your colon – giving you far more effective results.
Digestive Enzymes - 3 bottles, 90 capsules per bottle Digestive Enzymes help to break down both raw and cooked foods, removing some of the strain on the digestive system. They also significantly increase the absorption of nutrients from the foods and drinks we consume. Digestive enzymes may be taken with meals, snacks and juices. Enough digestive enzymes are in the Rebuilding Kit to take 2 capsules with lunch, 2 capsules with dinner and an extra 30 capsules beyond that. (Perhaps with a smoothie or bowl of cooked oatmeal. Even salads may contain cooked items such as beans, quinoa, steamed vegetables, etc.) If a person wants to continue to take digestive enzymes with every meal and juice, then extra bottles will need to be purchased.
Professional Strength Bio-Curcumin - 2 bottles, 60 capsules per bottle HD Bio-Curcumin Extra Strength (600mg per capsule) provides the active components of turmeric in the most bio-available form, providing up to seven times higher concentrations in the blood than many typical curcumin supplements. Curcumin helps support the body in maintaining healthy blood and circulatory function as well as healthy cholesterol levels. It also supports liver function.
Liposomal Vitamin C - 6 bottles, 30 servings each Liposomal Vitamin C is a lipid-encapsulated form of vitamin C that is shuttled without digestion into the bloodstream, right into the cells of the body. It is a highly absorbable Vitamin C that may rival or surpass intravenous delivery of vitamin C, but in a convenient oral form. 3-6 servings a day, spread throughout the day, are an excellent way to keep your immune system primed with vitamin C.
Vitamin D3-K2 - 1 bottle, 60 capsules Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 is a synergistic combination that supports the immune system, bone health, cardiovascular health, and the metabolism of calcium throughout the body. We need K2 when we use D3 because D3 causes better absorption of calcium and K2 directs calcium to the right places
Vitamin B12, B6 and Folate - 1 bottle, 60 capsules Vitamin B12, B6 and Folate provides the body with 3 very important B vitamins. Many people are deficient in B12. B12 supports nerve and blood cell health and helps make DNA. Vitamin B6 is required for over 100 enzyme reactions involved in metabolism. Folate is used in cell division.
Nascent Iodine - 1 bottle, 1400 drops Nascent Iodine is the best iodine for maximum utilization and uptake into the thyroid gland. Iodine supplementation is essential for thyroid function but is also critical for the proper function of every other gland in the body, from the tear glands, salivary glands, sweat glands, lymph glands, the pancreas, breasts and ovaries in women, and the prostate gland in men. It also enhances the immune system and assists with cell detoxification. Most people are extremely deficient in iodine. When iodine combines with specific amino acids it supports apoptosis, which is essential when battling cancer. Iodine also has strong anti-viral properties. Start with one or two drops in a small glass of water twice daily. After reading the research paper by Michael Donaldson, called Recent Advances in Iodine Nutrition, you may elect to gradually increase to 15 drops, twice daily. Take 15 minutes before consuming any food. Nascent iodine has the highest potency of ionic iodine available without a prescription. We recommend not taking iodine after 4pm because it can give some people energy which may continue too close to bedtime.
Selenium/Glutathione Promoter – 1 bottle, 60 capsules Selenium/Glutathione Promoter is designed to boost your immune system defenses by a combination of selenium and select antioxidants to stimulate the increased production of the master antioxidant glutathione.
*The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, supplement, or doing new exercises.