Favorite Recipes for the Holidays and Beyond

Favorite Recipes for the Holidays and Beyond

Cognitive Function and Dementia Reading Favorite Recipes for the Holidays and Beyond 2 minutes Next Oral Care: Healthy Mouth ~ Healthy Body Webinar

The holidays are inundated with festive, colorful and delectable foods; some healthy, many not. On the Hallelujah Diet, we have exquisite recipes that are beautiful, irresistible, as well as outrageously health-promoting.

Two Hallelujah Diet experts, Melody Hord and Connie Gesser have spent 29 cumulative years making Hallelujah Diet recipes. They have tasted more Hallelujah Diet recipes than a person could imagine!

Melody and Connie would like to offer you their top favorite vegan fare. Although everyone has different likes and dislikes, you may find their quintessential suggestions helpful as you plan your family and friend get-togethers.

Since there will be little time to write down all the recipes during the live webinar, we are happy to email you a pdf of the recipes to be discussed. Simply email customer service at custserv@myhdiet.com and request your copy today!

Don’t miss out on this groundbreaking information that can change your life. Even if you’re following the healthy lifestyle of the Hallelujah Diet, Melody and Connie will help to reclaim your health.

Presenter: Melody Hord: Melody Hord has a studio art degree from UNC-Chapel Hill. She came to work at Hallelujah Diet in 2007 and taught alongside George Malkmus, in his 2-Day workshops. She also assisted Rhonda Malkmus in many of her culinary classes. Melody believes we should never settle for less than optimal health.

Connie Gesser: Connie Gesser has a degree in English from Grand Valley State University She has been an integral part of the customer service team at Hallelujah Diet since 2007.




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