Sixteen months ago I was to have a sinus operation, plus they wanted to go in and play with my heart. They also found out that my lungs had a little emphysema. After hearing and reading what all might happen to me, if I decided to do either, I thought I would just try the "Diet". Sixteen months later, I still have had no sinus problems, no blowing my nose for thirty minutes after you get up each morning.
I didn't do the heart catheter either, and I also have not even had a cold in the past sixteen months. Well, after slipping a little on the diet, I recently began to put weight back on, and I could hardly breathe. Fact is, I was about to just go ahead and let them do whatever and be done with it, but then I said, nope, I'll go on the diet completely. In only one week back on the diet, I am not short of breath, can again walk a couple of miles without a huffer, and my wife said that I don't sound like a big train coming through each night.