Brother House came to Victory Baptist Church to hold a revival where I am a member, and gave his testimony as to how the Lord healed his cancer. I bought 'God's Way' and 'You Don't Have To Be Sick'.
I decided it was time for me to go on the Hallelujah Diet, that was six years ago. It has helped me so much. I couldn't hardly walk. I had rheumatoid arthritis. I got a Champion juicer and Barley green and Herbal Fiberblend, lost 25 lbs. in three weeks, later lost 20 lbs. I have weighed 80 lbs. for about four years. I will be 89 years Jan. 30th and feel better than I have in years. I walk, exercise, drive my car to church three times a week, visit for my church and live by myself. My blood pressure would go so high that I would have to go to the hospital to get it down. Now it never goes up. Thank you Rev. Malkmus and Rhonda.