Hello, Dr. Malkmus: Just wanted to share that I have been on the Hallelujah Diet for 12 weeks today! I have never felt better, nor had more energy. When I started , I was on eleven pills a day. After being on the diet three days I no longer needed a pill for indigestion; no more vitamin supplements, and certainly after finding out how Premarin is made, I stopped that mess immediately! However, I do take Microhydrin and vitamin B-12.
When I recently went for my check-up with my cardiologist, found out I have lost 23 pounds in eleven weeks on the Hallelujah Diet. My triglycerides had dropped 158 points and my cholesterol had dropped 45 points. After seeing this report, my doctor cut my Lipitor and Toprol in half and was very pleased that I had changed my lifestyle.
Thank you, Dr. Malkmus, for allowing me to have a part in getting this health message out.
When I run into someone who seems to shudder at the name 'Hallelujah Diet,' I ask them if they would like me to call it the 'Whoopie Diet?' I know God's way works! For my Health Ministry business cards I chose the name 'Choose Life Health Ministry.'
I am looking forward to seeing you on January 11th in Macon, Georgia, which is only 35 miles from where I live. I would be very happy to share my testimony in that seminar if you need me. Please tell sister Rhonda 'hello' and that I look forward to seeing her in March at the next Health Ministers Training