I have always been very active and always paid attention to what I ate and tried to prepare healthy options for my family. For years however, premenopausal seemed to loom forever. I developed fibroid tumors (which seemed to me to be epidemic among women I was around) and eventually had a hysterectomy. I reached a point where no matter how much I exercised and no matter how much I watched what I ate, I could not lose weight. In fact, it was as though the needle on the scale was broken. I just remained stuck. I had high cholesterol, but an incredibly nice and high protective HDL. I fought over the years the medical Drs. advice to go on cholesterol drugs--but did for one short period of time. Then, my husband and I started going to an alternative physician, and about 2 years ago I was at an important decision point--a traditional medical physician said I should go on a statin. I had reached a point of just giving up. I didn't want to be stubborn to the point of leading myself to a heart attack by refusing their advice. The very next day, I had already had an appointment with a Chiropractor who used nutrition as a foundation. I almost cancelled the appointment but then thought, "oh I might as well go try one more thing." I had taken literally 1 pill of the statin medication. She confidently looked at me and said "You can do whatever you want, but I'm telling you we can work on these issues and get results. Please do not start on statins." She was a Christian and she was so confident and I said "Let's go!!" She identified that I had Candida involvement and started with a Candida yeast cleanse and then a lifestyle diet that is plant based and whole. She looked for the root of my problems. No gluten, no dairy, no sugar, etc. Some of this I was doing already, but miraculously the scales began to move!!! The first time in years!! Not dramatic, but in a very confident, healthy way. Every time I weighed, it was going down to 1/4-1/2#. I couldn't even believe it. It felt as though my cells were coming alive. I felt "lighter"--not in a pounds sort of way, but a "freer, joyful, airy, kind of way". It was the first time I felt freedom from worry over calories, "what am I doing right or wrong." It felt like someone had opened the prison door. I have followed this way since then, but became more flexible at holiday times--so I lost a little ground, but not a big deal. I lost 15 of the most stubborn pounds I've ever known. I now am doing the 60 day challenge. At the 30 day point, I've lost 5 pounds with a current "stuck" going on for the last two weeks. I'm trying to remember to just do what's right and that "stuck" is not the same stuck as before learning to eat plant based and raw. Most of all, I am so glad I trusted my intuition that something wasn't being addressed within me and that I had the courage to keep searching for a better way! I felt many times like I was going against the grain!! (Interesting play on words!) For other women, and our daughters I pray that they might not have to come into premenopausal and premenopausal the way I did. I'm looking forward to learning more about sharing this with others.