A year and a half ago, it came to my attention that a co-worker of mine, who had been addicted to drugs and alcohol, was steadily improving. I asked him what he was doing to deal with his problems. He told me about Rev. Malkmus' seminar he had attended and how he had gone on the Hallelujah Diet. We talked at length and Charley (my husband) and I went on the diet.

When I retired in October 2000, we had about 15 people in our office on the Hallelujah Diet, and talked about starting monthly support group meetings. Both Charley and I are retired and have a good deal of time available. We are both on the Hallelujah Diet and both have a great desire to share the message that 'You Don't Have to be Sick.' In fact, in conjunction with a local health food store, we have already started meetings for people who want to learn about the program and for people who are on the diet and need support. We try to model our eating after Rev. Malkmus' eating pattern. We juice organic carrots each morning for the day, using our Green Life Juicer. Charley drinks 32 oz. of juice and I drink 24 oz. each day. We juice and clean up together, using the carrot pulp and all other vegetable waste for compost in our garden. We have Barley Green for breakfast at about 7:00 A.M. We then have 8 oz. of carrot juice at about 8:00 A.M. We eat fruit for lunch, but sometimes a vegetable salad. We drink the remainder of the carrot juice mid-morning and mid- afternoon. Snacks consist of fruit or nuts, mostly almonds. For dinner we have a huge raw salad consisting of vegetables such as spinach, leaf lettuce, broccoli, beets, cauliflower, red peppers, jicama, avocado, and any other fresh vegetables we find. Our dressing is lemon juice and fresh herbs, or I sometimes make a dressing using brown rice vinegar, almond butter, honey, fresh herbs and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. After the salad, Charley generally has a baked potato and I have some whole-wheat pasta. We each have one tablespoon of flaxseed oil each day. We sometimes have soft serve banana ice cream in the evening (frozen bananas run through the juicer), or dehydrated fruit or vegetables. Many of our vegetables are organic, however not all of them. We are preparing five raised bed gardens in our yard for planting this spring to produce our own organic vegetables, using the biodynamic gardening principles I am learning in the Natural Living home study course from Hallelujah Diet.

Charley had developed asthma, which had plagued him for three years. He had pills and two different types of inhalers, which merely controlled the symptoms. His asthma disappeared after four months on the Hallelujah Diet. He has had pre-cancerous lumps on his arms, hands, and chest, for about eleven years. The doctors would periodically remove the lumps surgically or apply drugs, which made him sick for weeks. Since the diet change, the lumps have stopped growing, some have fallen off, and those left are gradually disappearing. Charley has always had moderately high blood pressure (his father died of a heart attack at age 52). Since going on the Hallelujah Diet, his blood pressure is 110/67 (without medication). Charley has lost 19 pounds and continues to lose.

Carol: I have been obese since I was 8 years old. I have lost 53 pounds and continue to lose weight. I had incredible gas, heartburn, and constipation, which are all gone. I had restless feet at night that caused me sleepless nights. This too has disappeared. I took Prozac for six years for depression, and after two months on the Hallelujah Diet I was so calm and had such a sense of well being I stopped taking the medicine. (Just prior to changing my diet, my doctor had told me to double my dosage of Prozac.) I have been diagnosed as hypothyroid since 1976, with a large goiter. My goiter does not grow straight in or out of my throat, but has tentacles that completely surround the thyroid gland. The goiter has grown consistently for years. My doctor had recently talked about removing the entire thyroid gland since he could not remove the goiter alone. About two months after going on the Hallelujah Diet, friends told me I looked different. The goiter had started decreasing in size and continues to do so. I told the doctor about my diet change and the reduced size, which he verified. But he ignored the diet and said, Well, good, the drugs are starting to kick in. Hmmm--funny the drugs should 'start to kick in' after 25 years of taking the same drugs

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