Kiss The Cook Spaghetti

Kiss The Cook Spaghetti

This is a wonderful follow-up to a big garden, raw vegan salad! Mixture freezes very well and makes a great meal in a hurry! Spice amounts can be increased or decreased to taste. Any canned or powdered product can be substituted with fresh vegan food. Add less distilled water and it works great as a vegetarian pizza sauce. Tastes great prepared the night before and then reheated.

The reason it's called "Kiss the Cook" Spaghetti Sauce: I leave the bay leaf in the sauce and our tradition is that whoever gets it has to kiss the cook! (2 leaves might mean 2 kisses!)

by Robert Brooks


Large Pan or Wok With Lid - 
2 or 3 cups of your favorite vegetables - chopped or shredded (zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, etc.)
1 can of "No Salt Added" Diced Tomatoes
1 – 8 oz. Can of "No Salt Added" Tomato Sauce
1 tsp. Onion Powder (not onion salt)
½ tsp. Garlic Powder (not garlic salt)
Distilled Water as needed
Large Pot -
5 – 8 oz. Cans of "No Salt Added" Tomato Sauce
1 tsp. Onion Powder (not onion salt)
½ tsp. Garlic Powder (not garlic salt)
¼ - ½ tsp. Ground Oregano
1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt (optional)
1 tsp. Sweet Basil
1 to 2 bay leaves
Distilled Water


Large Pan or Wok With Lid - 
1. Place ingredients in pan or wok and sauté on medium/high heat for a few minutes.
2. Reduce heat, cover and cook on medium/low heat. (stirring often and adding more distilled water as necessary)
3. Allow the vegetables to cook until tender and until the flavors have blended.
Large Pot - 
1. Place all ingredients in pot and cook on medium heat until bubbly.
2. Reduce heat, cover and simmer adding distilled water as needed.
3. Add the sautéed vegetables to the sauce.
4. Simmer for at least 30 - 45 minutes. (longer for a more blended flavor)
5. Serve hot over your favorite vegetable or whole grain spaghetti noodles.

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