Let's take a moment to dive deeper and get a better understanding of just how advantageous vitamin C truly is.

Part 2: The Long List of Vitamin C Health Benefits

Let's take a moment to dive deeper and get a better understanding of just how advantageous vitamin C truly is.
Without a proper diet, your risk for developing chronic heart conditions significantly increases.

How a Plant-Based Diet Contributes to Heart Health

Without a proper diet, your risk for developing chronic heart conditions significantly increases.
Having trouble sleeping at night? Consider these tips for improving your rest.

Part 1: 4 Ways to Make a Difference in Your Sleep Quality

Having trouble sleeping at night? Consider these tips for improving your rest.
High fructose corn syrup has a bad reputation, and with good reason.

How Harmful is High Fructose Corn Syrup?

High fructose corn syrup has a bad reputation, and with good reason.
Keep up with your healthy lifestyle with these tips.

How to Maintain Healthy Exercise Habits

Keep up with your healthy lifestyle with these tips.
Don't feel pressured to eat an unhealthy meal on Easter. Try some of our recipes instead!

5 Hallelujah Diet Easter Recipes

Don't feel pressured to eat an unhealthy meal on Easter. Try some of our recipes instead! 
Would you like to help spread God's message of self healing to the community?

Reasons to Become a Hallelujah Diet Health Minister

Would you like to help spread God's message of self healing to the community?
You know that consuming freshly extracted juice is the best way to absorb vital vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, your juicer isn't always going to be available.

The Benefits of the Hallelujah Diet Juice on the Go Kit

You know that consuming freshly extracted juice is the best way to absorb vital vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, your juicer isn't always going to be available.
Stress is inevitable. But just because pressure isn't always avoidable, doesn't mean there aren't ways to cope with the symptoms.

How to Cope With Stress Related Symptoms

Stress is inevitable. But just because pressure isn't always avoidable, doesn't mean there aren't ways to cope with the symptoms.
Now that the snow has melted, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, it's prime time to do your physical activity outside.

Take a Hike: The Health Benefits

Now that the snow has melted, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, it's prime time to do your physical activity outside.
From a history of convulsing seizures to a healthy life of plant-based eating and exercising, Linda has followed the Lord's path for her, taking it one step at a time.

Following God's Path: Linda's Journey on the Hallelujah Diet

From a history of convulsing seizures to a healthy life of plant-based eating and exercising, Linda has followed the Lord's path for her, taking it one step at a time.
You know that brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly keeps your mouth fresh and cavity free, but there is more to oral health than that.

The Benefits of the Oral Health Probiotics Supplement

You know that brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly keeps your mouth fresh and cavity free, but there is more to oral health than that.
Learn how to kick the winter flu to the curb this season.

How to Kick the Winter Flu to the Curb

Stay healthy this winter!
Taking Proper Care of Your Bones Without Dairy
Cancer News

Taking Proper Care of Your Bones Without Dairy

Keeping your bones strong and healthy doesn't have to require dairy.
The key to reversing diabetes may be more simple than you think.

The Key to Reversing Diabetes

The key to reversing diabetes may be more simple than you think.
The New Year has officially arrived. Have you come with up a realistic resolution yet?

Part 2: Focus on Your Health for This Year's Resolution

The New Year has officially arrived. Have you come with up a realistic resolution yet?
When you make your overall health your No. 1 priority, it'll be less of a challenge and more of a natural lifestyle change.

Part 1: Focus on Your Health for This Year's Resolution

When you make your overall health your No. 1 priority, it'll be less of a challenging obstacle and more of a natural lifestyle change.
The third leading cause of death in the U.S. today may surprise you.

What is the Real Risk of Modern Medical Care?

The third leading cause of death in the U.S. today may surprise you.
The FDA has announced plans to redefine the term "healthy," but is that the real problem?

What Does the Term 'Healthy' Really Mean and How is the FDA Redefining It?

The FDA has announced plans to redefine the term "healthy," but is that the real problem?
What is the difference between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3? text with supplement bottle and nature background

What is the Difference Between Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3?

Often called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is extremely important for the body and its health.
Does Everyone Get Well On The Hallelujah Diet?

Does Everyone Get Well On The Hallelujah Diet?

Every once in a while someone asks: “Does everyone who adopts the Hallelujah Diet get well?” And my answer to that question is: “No!” But then I hasten to add: “Though not everyone who adopts the H...
The Benefits of the Vitamin B12, B6 and Folate Supplement

The Benefits of the Vitamin B12, B6 and Folate Supplement

Check out the Hallelujah Diet latest video blog discussing the B12 supplement.
Are you meeting your sleep requirements? Your overall health and well-being depend on it.

5 Ways the Body Restores Itself While You Sleep

Are you meeting your sleep requirements? Your overall health and well-being depend on it.
Water: The Body's Most Important Compound

Water: The Body's Most Important Compound

Learn more about why water is one of the most important gifts God has ever given us.
Support a strong immune system with these minerals.

Part II: Key Nutrients for Immune System Support

Support a strong immune system with these minerals.
The Path to Health – A Day on the Hallelujah Diet

The Path to Health – A Day on the Hallelujah Diet

The path to health starts with the drive to make a change. If you've followed the Standard American Diet for years, you've been neglecting to fuel your body with the proper vitamins and nutrients i...
With healthy lifestyle choices, you can control your blood sugar and live the healthy life He encouraged all along.

Factors That Influence Blood Glucose Sensitivity

With healthy lifestyle choices, you can control your blood sugar and live the healthy life He encouraged all along.
Have fun in the kitchen with your family with these recipes!

Hallelujah Diet Recipes to Prepare with Your Kids

Have fun in the kitchen with your family with these healthy lifestyle recipes.
Why our customers love BarleyMax products

Why our customers love BarleyMax products

Why are Hallelujah’s BarleyMax Products Our Best Sellers? The results are in. Month after month, our BarleyMax products are number one among our many customers. And our customers are some very sma...
Just like an automobile, our body requires fuel to run on. Have you ever given any thought to the type of fuel you are placing in your fuel tank (stomach)?

What Fuel Did God Design Our Bodies to Run On?

Just like an automobile, our body requires fuel to run on. Have you ever given any thought to the type of fuel you are placing in your fuel tank (stomach)?
Don't put your exercise regimen on the back burner this winter.

3 Ways to Exercise This Winter

Don't put your exercise regimen on the back burner this winter.
Reduce Inflammation with Serrapeptase

Reduce Inflammation with Serrapeptase

Taking proteolytic enzymes regularly can aid in reducing inflammation in the body and easing the associated symptoms. One such proteolytic enzyme is Hallelujah Diet's Serrapeptase. Serrapeptase dig...
By adopting the Genesis 1:29 diet, it's possible to be free of health insurance payment plans that rarely amount to any real assistance.

Health Insurance: Are You Paying Too Much?

By adopting the Genesis 1:29 diet, it's possible to be free of health insurance payment plans that rarely amount to any real assistance.
Arthritis: A Natural Approach

Arthritis: A Natural Approach

In last week’s Health Tip I began the article with these words: “Let’s conduct a little contest in this Health Tip. In one corner we are going to place the “wisdom of this World” and in the other ...
A diet full of foods rich in fiber is key for overall health and optimal digestive function.

Promote digestive health with a diet rich in fiber

A diet full of foods rich in fiber is key for overall health and optimal digestive function.
Processed, toxic foods are harmful to the immune system - our internal doctor.

Foods that harm our 'internal doctor'

Properly fueling, nourishing and caring for the immune system - our internal doctor - is essential for optimal health and avoiding disease.
Raw or not? The truth about 'raw' foods

Raw or not? The truth about 'raw' foods

Though a growing crowd of celebrities, fitness magazines and fad diets have only just begun to pick up and promote what they consider a trending "raw" diet, the truth is that raw foods packed wi...
Transition to Hallelujah Diet's B-Flax-D

Transition to Hallelujah Diet's B-Flax-D

The multi-nutrient powder B-Flax-D provides a key source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Prevention: The Only Solution To Our Health Problems

Prevention: The Only Solution To Our Health Problems

Isn’t it amazing that, with all the knowledge we have accumulated and all the monies we have spent on so-called health care (and continue to spend in ever greater amounts), the health of the Americ...
What A Day On The Hallelujah Diet Looks Like (Part 2)

What A Day On The Hallelujah Diet Looks Like (Part 2)

In last week’s Health Tip, we explained what the Hallelujah Diet looks like for the first half of the day – from the time of arising until lunch time. In this week’s Health Tip, we are going to pi...
What A Day On The Hallelujah Diet Looks Like (Part 1)

What A Day On The Hallelujah Diet Looks Like (Part 1)

The Hallelujah Diet is comprised of 100% Genesis 1:29 foods. They are all plant-sourced foods with the majority of these plant foods being consumed in their natural and raw uncooked form as they al...
The truth about LDL and HDL cholesterol is not as black and white as previously thought.

The Truth about "Good" and "Bad" Cholesterol

The truth about LDL and HDL cholesterol is not as black and white as previously thought.
Foods We Must Eliminate To Experience Health

Foods We Must Eliminate To Experience Health

Some people believe that all they have to do to improve their health is start adding something healthy to their diet and lifestyle like vitamin or mineral supplements, some healthy foods, or exerci...
Discover the many vitamins that can help you take care of your skin.

The Best Vitamins For Natural Skin Care

Discover the many vitamins that can help in enhancing your daily natural skin care routine.
Diabetes: A Natural Approach

Diabetes: A Natural Approach

For the past few Health Tips we have been conducting a little contest between the “wisdom of this World” and the “wisdom of God”. This week I would like us to evaluate the way the “world’s wisdom”...
God's Wisdom VS The World's Wisdom: Who Wins?

God's Wisdom VS The World's Wisdom: Who Wins?

Let’s conduct a little contest in this Health Tip regarding physical problems. In one corner we are going to place the “wisdom of this world” and in the other corner the “wisdom of God”. By the t...
How To Maintain Healthy Immunity

How To Maintain Healthy Immunity

An article in the July 2015 issue of Dr. David Brownstein’s “Natural Way To Health” caught my attention. Below is a little of what Dr. Brownstein had to say regarding “How to Maintain Healthy Immun...
Health and Retirement: Planning For The Great Unknown

Health and Retirement: Planning For The Great Unknown

This past week I received the following letter from my financial advisor: “Good morning, George and Rhonda, I hope all is well. Thought you would want to see this 2014 report from Merrill Lynch. ...
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